Top 10k strings from Flexipage 200 (1990)(Flexibase Software)(Side A).dsk
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [DSK] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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22 Track-Info 7 "0flexpUD" 6 "flexpaMC" 5 p$="load": 5 23637+256* 4 p$="erase"); 4 e$="tape " 4 e$="disk2" 4 CRIMQUIZ 4 "800"*(c$="o")+ 4 "23658",O: 4 3 rr=rr+(rr< 3 p$="save": 3 e$="mem. " 3 60<00*00002 3 23638-148": 3 1990 David Wornham FLEXIBASE SOFTWARE 3 "Catalogue?": 3 AUTOCHARS PLUS ! 3 2 uu*(r$="f")+ww*(r$="i"): 2 s$=v$+"flexpUD" 2 s$="polpatrl" 2 s$="fpadvert" 2 s$="crimquiz" 2 s$="crimqu1z" 2 rr=O)+("dsk1" 2 rr=E)+("dsk2" 2 q$="u")+("data" 2 q$="scr$": 2 q$="prog": 2 pppppppppppppppppppppp 2 pictures and diagrams using 2 p$="auto": 2 p$;":no. of pages/";a: 2 p$;":Order/Select": 2 opening from inside, for 2 locks prevent entry, AND 2 kc{c~c>`c{ 2 extra lock,to prevent the 2 e$=("tape" 2 e$="mem.": 2 e$="disk1" 2 e$;" ";p$: 2 e$ ="tape" 2 door, remember to fit an 2 d$=("auto" 2 d$="i")+U*(d$="m") 2 d$="i")+("free" 2 d$="f")+("menu" 2 d$="a")+("int" 2 cheaper than a video Track-Info 2 ccsf`c`ccs 2 b+"fp190": 2 a continuous display of 2 X$(E )=" " 2 Transfer:E 2 The Police arrive 2 S=tt*(R$="a")+(S+tt)*(R$="i") 2 P$="save": 2 P$;" stop no/";A: 2 P$;" start no/";A: 2 O;P$;N;"/";D: 2 M=E);("on " 2 M=E)+("off" 2 L$(N)>"9") 2 K$(N)>"9") 2 J$(N)>"9") 2 II;"Please wait" 2 IF r$="i" AND m=e THEN GO SUB VAL "9750" 2 GOOD. Extra patio door9 4 2 Flexipage Read Only 2 FPADVERT 2 E;"Mode to 48K": 2 @ 63695 2 ;"name? ";q$;" ";e$;" "; 2 ;"These numbers only ^^^": 2 ;"KempE/Iface1/Opus/Zx/+3/Disc/+D": 2 ;"Flexibase Software"; 2 ;" SCORE:"; 2 ;" READ ONLY "; 2 ; " F L E X I P A G E "; 2 35 2 23638-0187": 2 2115/250690 +3 2 1990 David Wornham": 2 195 2 194 2 193 2 192 2 0000HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXXXX 2 *(V$="-"): 2 (p$="erase");p$: 2 (j$+k$+l$) 2 (L$(N)<"0" 2 (K$(N)<"0" 2 (J$(N)<"0" 2 "type number.ENTER": 2 "press G(GOTO)U ENTER": 2 "press G (GOTO) 1280 ENTER": 2 "press ENTER": 2 "page ";w;"/";bb: 2 "no.of pages/";A: 2 "Your name? ENTER": 2 "Wipe pages": 2 "To start hold down SPACE": 2 "Menu/Int./Free/Auto ";e$;" ";p$: 2 "Interactive ","Save program ","Free format ","Load data/udg","Automatic ","Mode to 48K ","Z:printer:","Transfer:" 2 "Data/Udg ";e$;" ";p$: 2 "BAUD RATE? ";BD: 2 "9769"+ZX: 2 "9"*(R$="i"): 2 "800"*(c$="o")+167 2 "7";"20 The Parklands"'" Droitwich Spa, Worcs. WR9 7DG" 2 "63710",N: 2 "6";s$;" ";q$;" ";d$;" ";e$;" "; 2 "6";s$;" ";e$;" "; 2 "6";"Flexibase Software"' 2 "5";"Press Letter" 2 "311"*(r$="i") 2 "30")=" ": 2 "280"*(d$="f" 2 "23658",h: 2 "23606",O : 2 "2";"without infringing": 2 "2";"may be distributed": 2 "2";"by the registered purchaser" 2 "2";"Your own Flexipage exercises": 2 "2";"Full author available from"' 2 "2"*(R$="i"): 2 "2")+("mem." 2 "167"*(c$="s") 2 "166"*(c$="s")+ 2 "1090"*(r$="f")+ 2 property to be stolen through the big hole. 30 2 If you DO fit a patio9 2 will run 2 over 19O messages, 2 a computer which is 2 B E F O R E 2 - 2 h 2 2 1 ~o~`fff|>fffff| 1 ~<<<f|<f<<<ff<fx 1 }UUUU}PQUUUuQ_ 1 {f8f|>fff|ff> 1 your property.Write 1 your patio doors? No...159 1 your home did you change 1 your help....157: 1 you, says: "WHAT 1 you, AND you will not see the danger. 68GOOD. Always walking to face9 4traffic will make it difficult for cars to follow or stop behind, and you will see any vehicle danger coming. 68Free movement is needed to fight off and run from an attack. Trousers with jumper or jacket and trainers are best. A long coat or skirt can trip. 191You are walking home at night9 1 you see who is calling 1 xxxXXX00000000000XXXXXXX00000000xxxXX00000000000XXXXXXXX00000000xxxXX000000000XXXXXXXXXX00000000xxxX0000000XXXXXXXXXXXXXX0000000XXXX0000000XHHHHHXXXXXXXXX000000XXX000000XXHHHHHHXXXXxxxXX000000XXX00X00XHHHHHHHXXXXXxxxXXX00000XXX00HHHHHXHHHXXXXXXXXxxXXX00000XXX0XXXHHHHHHHHHHXHXXXXXXXXX0000XXXXPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXXXXXX00000XXXHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXXXX 1 windows need locks...158: A lady says: 2 "YOU HAVE STOLEN MY BAG." 8You: give it to her and explain what happened. 129 run after the thief. 132:The thief has been caught by3 the crowd. Do you: Punch him on the nose. 131 Tell them to hold him and ask someone to phone the Police.130: 1 window is broken and the camera 1 will make your journey 1 until YOU invite them.102The local radio says JAM 125T, a blue Mini was stolen. You gave the wrong details. You Track-Info 1 to take property through. 1 through the glass or, better 1 the thief, and 1 the bag. 133He sees you and wanders off.5 Will you: be glad you've stopped theft.117 telephone the Police. 118 follow him. 119: He reaches in, 9 takes something and walks away.Will you: shout at him. 120 stop him. 134 telephone the Police. 118: 1 thank you for 1 take them with you. . 12 1 t$="0"+s$( 1 stop anyone opening them 1 s$="submenu": 1 s$="fpadvert": 1 s$="flxgraph" 1 s$="crimquiz": 1 remember:193Join a Neighbourhood 1 recorder.: With 1 rTrack-Info 1 rTTTpppppppppppp 1 put them in the boot. 14: 1 produce-+ 1 ppppppppppppppppppppx 1 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppprZJJJJJJJHHJJJJHHJJJJHHJJJJJJJZrrZjJJJJJJJFJJJJJ 1 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@GGGGGGGGGGGGGxxxGGG@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@GG@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 pppppppppppppppppppp8xx8xxxxxx8xx8pppppppppppppppppp8xxxxxxxxxxxx8ppppppppppXpppppppPxxxxxxxxxxxxPpppppppXppXpppppppPxxxxxxxxxxxxPpppppppXpppppppppppxxxxxxxxxxxxppppppppppppppppppppxxx888888xxxpppppppppptttppppppp888888888888ppppppttttttttpppppp800000000008pppppptttttttpppppppppppppppppppppppppptttttppppppppppppppppppppppppppppttttttppppppppppppppppppppppppptttpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 1 phh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hh phh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhh ````pppp``pppppppppppp``pppp````````pHpp``p 1 p``ppHp````ppppppppppp 1 oooooFooooojjjrrZjjoooooooooooo 1 oooooFooooojjjrrTTTeeeeeEEeeeee 1 oooooFooooojjZrrZjjoooooooooooo 1 oooooFoooooZjZrrZZjooooooFooooo 1 oooooFoooooZZZrrjjjoooooEEooooo 1 of your car is better than leaving them to be seen, but a thief may see you put them thereand force the boot to steal.. 15: Now let's think about your9 1 nopqrstuvwxyz{|} 1 non locking. 17 1 locks will not stop a 1 locking..... 16 1 k in 72the street, it is best to find a well lit area to deter thieves 1 j789:;<=ghijkl 1 is best locked there 11 1 intL CRACK IT 1 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh88x888hhhhhhhhhhhhhh8xhhhhhhhh8888xx88hhhhhhhhhhhhhh8xh88hhhhh8888xx88888hhhhhhhhhh88x8888888h8888xxx8xxxhhhhhhhhhh88x88x8888888888xx8xx8hhhhhhhhhh88x88x8888888888xx8xx8hhhhhhhhhh88x88x8x88x88888xx8xx8hhhhhhhhhh88x88x8x88x88888xx8xx8hhhhhhhhhh88x88x8x88x88888xx8xx8hhhhhhhhhh88x88x8x88x88888xx8xx8hhhhhhhhhh88x88x8x88888888xx8888hhhhhhhhhh8888888888888888xx8888hhhhhhhhh(8888888888888888xx888xhhhhhhhhh(8888888888888888xx888xhhhh,(((( 8888888 888x((((((,,, 888x,,,((,,,, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ,,((,,, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx((, ,(, 1 hhhhhhhhhh((hhhhhhhhhhhh(P 1 have window locks fitted 1 h((((((((((((((..//////(((((((( 1 front door? 1 for assault! 157: 1 ff3ff`ffff 1 entering YOUR house! ALL 1 enjoyed it. *********** 1 eeeeeFeecc`UTTrrTTTcbbeeeeee``` 1 e$=("tape " 1 e$="tape ": 1 e$="mem. ": 1 e$="disk2": 1 e$="disk1": 1 down details of suspects and carnumbers then CALL THE POLICE.162 1 do you think 1 do you park your car 1 do you do with valuables? 1 decide towrite down details in future.124 not try to help again. 125:The Police were not helped as your description was not very good! Writing down details will always help to remember these important matters. 156: The Police later telephone9 to thank you, as 7 your good description helped them to catch the thief. 156The Police phone to thank you4 Although your description 7 was a little inaccurate, it helped them find and arrest the man.156: 1 csc`ff>f3f`ff>f 1 cover them........... 13 1 coming into your home 1 c08f8ff`ff 1 burglar with a ladder 1 arrest the youth9 1 apart from the maker's, to 1 and kittens. 51: You remember that a Policeman will help you 8 You decide to go back and tell him about the lady and kittens. 51: The policeman 9 4 is glad you told him. He sees you safely home and says you were right to say no to the lady. 44: 1 and arrest YOU 1 a big hole for burglars 1 `g``<f>`0<|<f>` 1 `ffnfff|ffnf|f~f 1 `fffffflfffflffl 1 `ffffffffffffffl 1 `ffff3f`ffff 1 `ff`~|ffff`~ffff 1 ```ceF```" TTTrrTTT '''''''' 1 `<f<f|<|<f<f|<<x 1 ________________________________GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGxxxGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 _ your car in the drive rather than the road,but 1 ^_`abcdefghijklm 1 [[ c```c`` 1 Z:printer:F 1 You walk, alone, down a dark 971street. You think you are + being followed. Will you: cross over?.................. 74walk along close to others?.. 75: The Police were not helped as your description was not very accurate! Writing down details will help another time. 160: The Police later phone 9 to thank you 7 as your good description helped them to catch the thief and recover stolen property. 160: Police phone to thank you.4 Although your description 7 was not quite right, it helped them to trace the man, but no stolen property. 160: 1 You gave the wrong details. You decide towrite down details in future.124 not try to help again. 125: A good idea. 3 Notes made at the time are always better than memory. 157: Don't despair! Writing down descriptions at the time is best, but you gave similar details which may have helped. 157: 1 You are relieved to find it 9 and: . . . . . remove the camera. . . 136hide it in the boot. . . 137remove it and phone Police. 138A woman leaves her bag on the9 shelf of an unlocked blue Mini JAM 125T. You: do nothing. 133Say: "Take it with you." 112Say: "Don't be so stupid." 113A fair curly haired youth 9 looks into the car, then around.You: stare at him obviously.114watch, but stay out of sight.115Mind your own business. . 117 1 YOURS?"and leaves 1 YOUR petrol cap 1 YOUR house would be safer with a new patio door lock. 30Thanks for looking sharp with9 CAMERA 1 When you later return your car 1 VTrack-Info 1 UWTrack-Info 1 UUUUUUU}QUU 1 UUUUUUUWUUUUU] 1 UUUUUQWUuUU 1 UUEUUUUUuuWU 1 Tell him about the lady 1 TAUUUUWUUTUUW 1 Strangers/self defence 53 1 Software9 3 1 SUBMENU 1 STOLEN. You phone Police....135 1 SAM OR SPECTRUM COMPUTER 1 QUUUUUUUTUA 1 QUEUUUQUUUUEU 1 Phhhhhhhhh(((((((hhhhhhhhhhhh(hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh(hhjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*h(hjhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhohhhhhhhhPP((hhhhhhhhhhohhhoooooohhhhhhhhP((hhhhhhhhhhhohhoooooooohhhhhhhPP88hhhhhhhhhhohhhooooohohhhhhhhPP8hhhhhhhhhhhoohhhoooooohhhhhhhPP8hhhhhhhoooho8nohhhhohhhhhhhhh 1 PRINT '" R. Read Only Flexipage System " 1 PRINT '" F. Flexipage Authoring System " 1 PRINT '" B. read only loader for saving " 1 PRINT " G. Graphics designer " 1 PPrpprBPrprr 1 PPPPhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1 PPPPPPPrpppppppppr 1 PPPPPPGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOpppppppppppppppppppwwwwwpppppppppppppppppppppppppppwwwwwpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 1 NO,NO"181Your heel strikes a shin and9 4 the hold relaxes. You loudly shout "NO, NO, NO" and keep kicking. The attacker, who wears 1 Look straight in front....... 57Look around at other people.. 58:If you look straight in front you will not be AWARE of others. Looking around will help you to see possible danger 1 JJJJJFJJJJJJZZrrZjjooooooFooooo 1 Is YOUR front door lock: 9 1 Have you fitted a lock,9 1 HHOOOHHHHHH 1 HHHHHHHHHXX0CC^FFFFFFFVBB 1 HHHHHHHHHXP 1 HHHHHHHHHHH 1 HHHHHHHHHH 1 HHHHHHHHH022pFFFFFFF 1 HHHHHHHH8PPXXXH 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGxxxG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 Flexipage's INTERACTIVE MODE 1 Flexipage Sub-Menu 1 FLEXPAMC 1 F L E X I P A G E 1 EXTENDED CPC DSK File 1 Dq|2xTrack-Info 1 DISK 1 Crime alert:104: How old 9 : is your car? + Less than 3 years old: 4 3 to 6 years old: 5 More than 6 years old: 6: The newer your car, 9 4 the less easy it is to steal, but YOU can still reduce the chances of theft by taking extra care. 7: YOUR car, 5 between 3 and 6 years old, is easier to steal, so YOU should take extra care to prevent theft. 7: Your car, 72 being over 6 years old, is easy to steal, so YOU need to take extra care to prevent theft. 7: 1 CPDRead v3.24 1 CAPERS. I hope you 1 BUSINESS IS IT OFJAM 125T 1 BCFFFFFFFFVVB 1 BBBB2CCFFFBFFFFF2 1 B**((**pppprPppr 1 AAUUUQUUuUUUUuWUU 1 A glass door can be broken72 1 A door security chain 1 >f3ff`ffff 1 >`<|0|<|<<` 1 >Track-Info 1 <-"kite mark" is the 1 ;;"To revert to a menu at any stage of "; 1 ;"flexipage "; 1 ;"START THE TAPE, PRESS ENTER": 1 ;"RECORD"; 1 ;"PRESS ENTER ": 1 ;"Forward/Back item (press F or B)": 1 ;"Character set and printer option"; 1 ;"128K +3 version. Will not work in 48K mode at this stage. Can change to 48K mode later": 1 ;") ENTER": 1 ;" key press is shown on a yellow background. Example: " 1 ;" for data, or "; 1 ;" for User Defined Graphic SAVE."'' 1 ;" STOP THE TAPE ": 1 :Track-Info 1 :::r<<<<<888<89999<<<<;;;;;;8:<< 1 :22<<<<8888<89999<<<<998;;88:8<< 1 972. . always say: 1 9 5Watch. Post Code 1 88888F88888UUTrrTUU'''''''''''> 1 88888F88888UTTrrTUU88888888888> 1 88888F88888UTTrrTTU888888888888 1 88888F88880UTTrrTTU888888F88888F88888F8880 UWTrrSTPPPPPPPFPPPPPFPPPPPFPPPPPPTSrpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 1 8888888888888888888888888888888888hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhh888888hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhpppppppppppphphhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhpppppppppppppphhhhhhhhh8888hhhhhppppyyyppyyypphhhhhhhhh888:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::888:::zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:::888:::zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:::888:::zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:::888:::zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:::888:::zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:::888:::zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:::888:::zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:::888:::zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:::888:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::88 1 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 36 1 34 1 33 1 32 1 31 1 22<<<88888<89999<<<<999;;88:8<<<<<<<<<<<<<<899999<<<999;888:8888<<<<<<99999999999<<<9999999:88888<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::xxxxxxxxxx::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::xxxxxxxxxx::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx::::::::::::::::::::zxxxxxxx:::::::::xxx:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 22<8888888<<99998888;;;;88888::::r<<<<<<<<<89999888;;;;;;8888:::::<<<<<<<8<899999<<<;;;;;;8:< 1 22:rFFFFFFFF 1 228ppEFFFFFF 1 197 1 196 1 191 1 169: You have to make regular 9 trips with large amounts of cash Will you: go by the shortest route? 170 vary the route and time? 171: A regular route and time 971 may be noticed by criminals who will then find it easier to plan 1 1500/040590 +3 1 0FLEXPUD 1 0000HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXXX0X00000GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGxxxGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 0000HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXXX 1 0 4 letters can be made using + graphics supplied with FlexipageUsers can easily change graphics with the included designer. 1 .............187: The Police were not helped : as your description was not very accurate! Writing down details will help another time. 156: The Police later phone 9 to thank you 7 as your accurate description helped them to catch the thief. 156The Police phone to thank you4 Although your description 7 was a little inaccurate it helped them trace and arrest the man. 156: You see a man you 9 don't know, about 25 years, slim black hair, wearing jeans and black T shirt, go round the rear of a neighbour's house. 146 1 ...... 37: 9 The car drives off. + Will you now: go and play with your friends 39tell your Mum, Dad or teacher 38: You are told "Well done. 9 What was the number of the car?" BAA 123D 43 AAB 312C 40 BAA 321C 41: You worry about the man in the car and think you will tell Mum, Dad or teacher. 38: The Police are told, and 5 they are pleased you said "No". The number you gave was not quite right. Writing it down will help another time. 42: You are told 9 that the driver was a friend of the family, but you did the right thing and gave the correct number. 42: A lady you don't know asks9 "Do you want to see my kittens?"You say: "Yes please" 46 "No" and walk away. 48 "What colour are they?" 46: The Police are told and they are pleased you 1 --------- 1 - 8. . . . say: 1 - 8. . . . say: 1 *52PLUS3DOS 1 ******///////*******((((pppprr 1 ************ Please 1 )+("disk2" 1 )+("disk1" 1 (hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhp(hhhhhh 88hhhhhxhhhhhppppp """ppppppp8 888888888888888ppp ""::p8 Xppp <888888888888<<< """22<<<<<<<<<<<888888888888< :: 1 (Track-Info 1 ((((((*((/////////////(((**(((*(0000000P***//////////////**(((*(pppprr 1 '''''F'''''UUUrrTTTpppppppppp<> 1 '''''F'''''UTWrrTTTppppppppppp' 1 '''''F'''' TTTrrTTTpppppppppppp 1 '''''F' TTTrrTTTpppppppppppp 1 ''" 1. Crime Quiz interactive" 1 '" T. Transfer:(save / load) " 1 '" S. Save this menu program " 1 '" L. Load screen$ for 128K memory" 1 '" H. Help: Flexipage Conventions " 1 '" A. Any other Flexipage program " 1 '" 2. Flexipage advert. automatic" 1 "flexpaMC." 1 "cat. ";e$: 1 "Stop SCREEN$ no.(";a;"-";a+7 1 "Start SCREEN$ no? ENTER": 1 "Flexipage / User udg": 1 "7";"Graphics Designer"; 1 "7";"FLEXIPAGE SUB-MENU"; 1 "7";" DO NOT press "' 1 "6";s$;" screen$ ";N;" ";e$;" "; 1 "6";"tape/disk1/disk2/mem. "' 1 "6";"s ";'''' 1 "6";"press "; 1 "6";"flexpage program disk1 "; 1 "6";"flexipage sub-menu "; 1 "6";"Flexipage"; 1 "6";" Flexipage Convention";: 1 "6";" Flexibase Software " 1 "6";" FLEXIBASE SOFTWARE.": 1 "6";" DROITWICH, WORCS. WR9 7DG " 1 "6";" 6 "'''' 1 "6";" 5";'''' 1 "6";" 4 "'''' 1 "6";" 3 "'''' 1 "6";" 20 THE PARKLANDS,": 1 "6";" 2 "'''' 1 "6";" 1 "'''' 1 "5";"To revert to a menu at any stage of "; 1 "5";"See handbook for further details": 1 "5";"Screen instructions are shown ona green background, with key(s) to press in CAPITALS. Examples:" 1 "5";" ^ Press choice number / letter " 1 "5";" Warnings are shown with a red border and buzz. For example: ": 1 "5";" Press "; 1 "5";" Press "; 1 "5";" would show when program ~flexpage~ was SAVING to disk 1." 1 "5";" Computer activity requiring "; 1 "5";" press SYMBOL SHIFT and S ": 1 "5";" press SYMBOL SHIFT and zero. ": 1 "5"''" To change the load / save transfer medium between tape, disk 1, disk 2 or 128K memory, press T for Transfer. ": 1 "4";"name? program load"'" 1 "4";"by courtesy of 'OUTLET'" 1 "4";"Wipe pages": 1 "4";"Transfer: "; 1 "4";"Data/Udg save"'' 1 "4";"Confirm"'' 1 "20"Track-Info 1 "2";"using the 'Read Only' version" 1 "2";"the Law of Copyright": 1 "2";"the Law of Copyrigh 1 "2";"may only be made for use": 1 "2";"Your 1 "2";"Flexipage copies"': 1 "2";"COPYRIGHT 1 "2";" CAPS SHIFT or CAPS LOCK ": 1 "2")+("mem. " 1 "0";" to wipe existing pages clear, otherwise any other key.": 1 "0";" to confirm design of page or graphic, otherwise any other key. ": 1 "(Track-Info 1 " Press A to Agree copying terms ": 1 " Insert new ";e$;" ";: 1 " ENTER ": 1 your home until you 1 without a key, if they 1 with you is the ONLY way 1 will 015 1 which cannot be opened by a 1 viewer fitted to YOUR 1 the door locks? 1 stop anyone coming into 1 security chain to 1 petrol cap will 1 parking is safest, 1 or make it obvious to them 76: You are asked advice on the9 safest way for a woman to carrya handbag: On the shoulder.176 Slung over the chest.177 Over chest with flap inside.178You still think you are being5 followed. You now cross back andwalk with the others......... 75 1 less noticeable 1 leave YOURS alone. 25: YOUR car, with 72 no extra security, may be chosen by a thief to-morrow. 1 invite them.........102The radio says JAM125T blue miniwas stolen. You gave the wrong details. You decide to: . . not bother again. . . 125write down details in future.124 1 hand, through a panel, or, 1 frosted glass, YOU need a 1 front door? Yes... 73 1 for your concern, 1 fitted to your car 1 exercising 1 door viewer to see who is 1 deter a thief, but 1 designs. : 1 car AND garage are 1 but make sure the 1 broken. YOU need a lock 1 big hole being used to steal property from. 30Your friend listens quietly to your story and you now feel a little better. The friend says you should phone the Police to help stop another attack.188: The Police later phone 9 : to thank you as 7 your accurate description helped them to catch the thief. 156: Taking a stick 72 will place you 8 on the wrong side of the Law! It would be classed as an offensive weapon! 168It is best to always have at 9 4 least two strong, fit persons to convey large amounts of money 1 big hole being used to steal property 1 better, a SOLID door.... 52You must always 1 being stolen next! 22: Have YOU fitted any extra9 security measures to your car? (e.g. Alarm, window etching) (steering/handbrake lock)YES. 23(locking wheel nuts, etc) NO. 24: 1 arrive, arrest 9 1 and you explain 1 and takes the bag. 1 and arrest you9 1 alone. Will you go along: 1 all your windows will 1 a white jacket, runs off.184You now realise that the longeryou "freeze" the less chance ofgetting away.You shout "HELP"183 dig back HARD with your elbow and shart to kick his shins.181You try to shout, but the arm573tightens round your neck. The + sound is stopped.You:go limp.185 kick back HARD and dig back HARD with your elbow. 181You are shaken and frightened9 but not hurt. You see a phone box. You dial 999 for Police.188 Go home and try to forget the attack. 29: You are being dragged back-72 wards. YOU MUST ACT NOW. You: Try to shout "HELP". 183 Kick back HARD, wheel quickly sideways, swinging your arm..181CAR and HOUSE SECURITY RATING9 by Keith Pirie and David Wornham 1 a shorter, dark 1 a locking filler cap NOW! 18: When you leave your car 9 for a few minutes,do you lock it 1 a door viewer to let 1 a SOLID wood front door. 52 1 You say "No" and + 1 You do not need to speak 1 Yes..........103 1 YOU need a lock which can 1 Which of YOUR windows9 1 When you moved into 9 1 WE'LL CRACK IT 1 The extra security 1 She glares at 51 1 Please remember to 1 No...........105GOOD. By changing the door 9 4locks of your new home, you knowthat others don't have a key.116 1 Learning can be FUN! 1 LOCK IT ALWAYS. 18: Locked caps deter thieves. 72 Fuel bills are high enough without your tank being emptied. YOU need 1 If YOUR front door has971 1 I wasn't thinking" M 125T 1 House security:--------195: REMEMBER.Be aware.Be calm.9 Be confident. Dress sensibly( Use safe routes. If attacked, react quickly.Report description**** PRACTICE self defence ****The police answer at once and9 ask you to describe the attackerwearing white trousers.......189white coat and white shoes...190wearing white jacket......... 28: Phone call from the Police. They are still looking 7 for your attacker, but will come to take some more details. 179: Phone call from the Police. They have yet to find 7 your attacker, but will come to take some more details. 179 1 Glass door panels can be5 1 GOOD.Taking valuables9 4 1 GOOD. A door viewer9 4 1 Flexibase Software 1 Downstairs window 5 5 1 Don't have patio doors164 1 Can I help you?" 1 CRIME:TOGETHER 1 An open patio door is 72 1 ALWAYS LOCKED.. 11When you leave your car, what9 1 A policeman 9 7 1 >> GRAPHIC DESIGNER composes9<< UDGs and SCREEN$ pictures, and can "GRAB" UDGs from SCREEN$. FLEXIPAGE uses SCREEN$ pictures in exercises and displays: 1 : The Sam/ Spectrum 48K/128K0 Viewdata / graphics +8 Authoring System for all users. With Three Modes: Automatic Free Format and Interactive. 1 9 4 Thanks for 1 62 1 1990 David Wornham": 1 1990 DAVID WORNHAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 1 ............187: He puts a television into a9 red Cortina MAG 685S and drivesoff. You: Phone the Police. 153 Write the number down. 147 1 ( to strangers, and 1 ''''F'''''TSS 1 you open the door. 92You see the neighbour talking5 to the man you now recognise as the window cleaner. However, you gave the Police a good description. 87: The Police arrive, and you tell them what has happened. They say that, another time, writing down details will help to get them right.155You see the neighbour talking to the man you now recognise as the window cleaner, and you realize you gave the wrong description. 84: 1 you open the door. 92 1 will let you see 1 will give you comfort 1 says: "Hello. 1 petrol tank.Is 1 never........ 21: A few minutes is enough for5 the thief! The time YOU do not lock your car may be THE time it is stolen. A car is stolen in Britain every 90 seconds. 22GOOD. ALWAYS locking your car9 4 will always deter a thief. A car is stolen 1 may make a thief 1 it best to: 1 in a drive. 9 1 has places where an attacker can hide and surprise you 69: 1 be hurt in the process. 173: A hidden bag 5 5 may not be spotted, but if you are known to have the money you may be hurt in a struggle 1 and rob you! 171 1 an advertisement 1 always....... 20 1 all its windows? 1 a well lit main road? 69 1 You look lost. 1 You "freeze"..182 Shout "HELP"..183Kick HARD and shout"NO,Track-Info 1 Yes... 93 1 YOU need a door 72 1 Will you: + 1 Walking with others 1 Telephone the Police. 118The Police ask: "Do you know5 these details of your camera?" Is it post coded? 140Make, type and serial number?139 . . Both? 140: Your camera is safe, 5 but you worry that the man will force another car window. You telephone the Police.138: When you later return 1 you find the boot forced 8and the camera gone! You decideyou've learned a hard lesson.160 to telephone the Police. 135: You are asked to describe 9 the man. You say: Fair curly hair, green shirt. 79Brown hair and grey jacket. 80Brown hair and grey jumper. 81A pity it was left in the car4 Knowing these details will helpyou identify it, but post codingwould assist the Police furtherto trace it back to you. 160: Good. Post coding will help9 the Police further to trace it back to you if found, but it would have been better not leftin the car to be stolen! 160 1 She says:"Thanks9 4 1 She looks 2 1 GOOD. The locks on9 4 1 GOOD. A locking9 4 1 Do you have a door 9 1 Any display 1 961 1 101A man you don't know asks: 9 "Would like a ride in my car?"+ You say: >> "Yes please." 35>> "No." and walk away. 36 1 '''F'''''TTSrrTTTpppppppppppp 1 write down their 1 who is calling 1 under the cover..... 15Putting valuables in the boot5 1 to a stranger. 100 1 to a stranger. 42: 1 they are not stolen 1 there are a few people on the far side of he road. 77: 1 suspected 1 occasionally. 19 1 not be opened by a hand 1 mortise lock with 1 keep a thief out! 52: 1 in the street 8 1 happened. 155: The Police ask 5 for the man's description. You say: thin,fair hair,black T shirt. 85thin,black hair,black shirt. 83: Police phone to thank you.4 Although your description 7 was a little inaccurate, it helped them trace and arrest the man.162: The Police later phone 9 to thank you as 7 your good description helped them to catch the thief! 162: The Police were not helped as your description was not very good! Writing down details will help another time. 162Do you have a security chain 9 fitted to YOUR 1 for theft 1 footpath? 70 1 every 9O seconds..... 22: A car is stolen in Britain 72 every 9O seconds. Each time your car is left unlocked increases the chance of YOURS 1 description and car numbers. You must always 1 anyone opening 1 The Police 9 1 Phone the Police. 88Watch, but stay out of sight.150 Do nothing. 147: You later hear : the neighbour's house 8 was burgled. Will you: Phone Police about the man.148 Tell your neighbour. 152The Police ask for the young 4 man's description. You say: slim,brown hair,blue T shirt 95slim,black hair,black shirt 96slim,brown hair,black shirt 97 1 House security:186 1 GOOD. Garage 9 4 1 GOOD. A FIVE lever 9 4 1 A mortise lock?. 55 1 : Flexipage INTERACTIVE MODE9 pages give up to three choices:Example:break open the door.. 24 run away.............135 look for a key.......206: INTERACTIVE MODE can give 9 a final score and percentage and any page can be selected for automatic print-out when displayed. FREE FORMAT mode of Flexipage9 allows random access to any page or warning sound using a flow chart which can be printed by the program. 1 : YOUR imagination 073 and experience can produce + a variety of displays and exercises for a multitude of shows and training purposes. 1 172: To carry a money bag safely9 will you: hide it under your coat, with empty bag in hand.173 hold it firmly in your hand.174 hide it under your coat..175 1 would prevent 1 without a key. 158: Police later phone to thank9 you for giving accurate details7 leading to the arrest of the thief. Well done! A good citizen.157The local radio says JAM 125T, a blue Mini was stolen. Track-Info 1 what has 1 valuables ( 1 the longer it will 1 stops anyone 1 rim lock?.... 54 1 is best.The stronger 1 in cars. 1 in a garage. 10: If you HAVE to parTrack-Info 1 in Britain 1 best for any door. 71When walking, 1 be pulled off or stolen from. 178: A ladies handbag 5 5 slung over the chest is less likely to be pulled off but can be stolen FROM if the flap is on the OUTSIDE. 178: A ladies handbag with strap9 4over the chest and flap INSIDE is less likely to be snatched orstolen from, especially with bag held in front of the body.192: The Police gently take you9 through the evening's events writing down what you say. Theyhave an idea who the attacker is and go off to find him. 141Something brushes your hair; 973you feel an arm coming around + your neck. 1 and make a planned robbery 1 and walks off. 157: 1 YOUR windows 1 When at home 9 1 Welcome to 1 This is 517 1 SELF DEFENCE 1 It is better to park5 5_____ 1 GOOD. Solid wood 9 4 1 DON'T leave 9 5 1 Crime Quiz. 1 British Standard 1 A varied route 1 A "Yale" type 1 theft! 157A fair, curly haired youth looks into the car, then around him.You: Telephone the Police. 118 Stare at him. 114Watch, but keep out of sight.115: He punches you on the nose 72 and runs off. Will you: Shout "STOP THIEF" and chase.128 1 if you have a garage,it 1 her handbag 1 disbelieving, 1 can snatch 1 all...151You hear on the local radio that a blue Mini JAM 125T was stolen. You telephone the Police. 118Police ask the description of9 the car and youth. You say: Green Mini JAM123T,fair curly123Blue Mini JAM125T,fair curly 122Blue Mini JAM123T, dark hair 94: He comes back and 5 opens the door of the car. Will you: Stare at him. 114 Telephone the Police. 118 Watch, out of sight. 115: He stops, drops something,3 and runs off into the crowd. You: Pick up the object. 127shout "STOP THIEF" and chase.128are glad you've stopped theft157: 1 You cross over. 1 Window locks 72 1 The Police9 1 Car security:------194, 1 Car and * 1 : Using a table map 9 with members of a group taking their turn for decisions many have found the FREE FORMAT mode of Flexipage : an exciting mix of 0 1 0 1 your front door, 1 walk away... 50 1 for 1 calling B E F O R E 1 and deter attack. 1 a glass door? 47 1 It is worth the extra time taken to follow a longer, well lit and busy route. 72 1 Is YOUR 9 1 How about some extra protection TO-DAY! 25: Do you have your vehicle 9 registration number etched on 1 BEING AWARE. 1 4 : thanks you for your concern and asks you to phone the Police. 148: The Police ask you for the4 car's details. You say: Red Mini MAG 686S 142 Red Cortina MAB 685S 144 Red Cortina MAG 685S 143: The Police arrive 6 just as you see the neighbour talking to the man you now recognise as the window cleaner. 155Although a "false alarm", the9 neighbour thanks you, and the Policeman says these calls are worthwhile as they sometimes lead to catching burglars.156Thanks for being on HOMEWATCH9 I hope you have enjoyed the exercise and have perhaps learned something. *** Please remember *** 193: Thanks for being 9 : on the alert with BAG BOTHER Please remember to help others to be aware of sensible crime prevention measures. 193 1 ..Track-Info 1 you open the door. 92: 1 to make sure 1 to find it. 173: A ladies handbag 71 slung over a shoulder can be easily 1 snatches 1 front door: + 1 from your car 15:Covering valuables is better572 than leaving them to be seen but a thief may still be tempted to force your car door to look 1 arrive 1 are LOCKED. 158: Your neighbourTrack-Info 1 and avoid it. 196: GOOD. By looking around 9 4 you will be AWARE of others and able to see possible danger and then avoid it. 196: When walking alone, should9 you wear clothes which: + look attractive. 60 are casual. 61 allow free movement. 62: Smart clothes may give the 72 impression you have money or jewellery worth taking, and if a woman, make you more attractive to an attacker. 67: Casual clothes may show you8 5 are unlikely to have money or jewellery to steal, but you should still consider whether they allow free movement. 67GOOD. Freedom of movement is 9 4 essential to fight off attack and run away. Ladies wearing tight skirts and high heels are handicapped! 191: For maximum safety when 9 walking alone, will you + face traffic if no footpath. 64 walk with back to traffic. 65always face oncoming traffic. 66Even when there is a footpath 1 and a 1 YOU need 72 1 There is no one else on this side but 1 solid wood? 33 wood with glass panels? 34: 1 can be better with 9 1 both?...... 55DO YOU TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF?9 Please choose your subject: Stranger danger......100 Personal safety...... 56 Self defence.......197: A five lever 72 mortise lock with British standard "kite mark" would be better for YOUR front door. 71: 1 No.... 98: 1 GOOD. 9 4 1 G O O D. 9 4 1 971Flexipage Auto. 1 + 1 for ============== : 1 difficult. 1 an empty bag without harming you and leave hidden money safe. 149: If a money bag is visible in72 your hand, a determined thief will take it, no matter how firmly you hold it, and you may 1 Glass door. 86: You are told to walk about9 1OO metres with a large amount of money to the bank. Will you:ask for someone else to come.168 take a big stick. 167: 1 A thief 1 9 1 Yes... 26 1 No.... 27: GOOD. YOUR window etching 9 4will deter a thief and, IF it is stolen, will assist the police to trace the car, even if the number plates are changed. 30Etching YOUR car windows with 72registration number is cheap & easily done. A thief is unlikely to choose the car, and police will trace it IF stolen. 30: Phone call from the Police9 Following your good description7 they have caught a man who admits the attack. You now feel much better.141Thinking about it, you realise the man may attack again. You:8 Phone the Police 188 Ask a friend what to do 165 Hide under a blanket in bed. 29: Contact your local 971 Crime Prevention Officer at your Police Station **** for FREE advice **** on all aspects of security. 31YOUR security rating appears 9 below. If it is less than 100%( YOU can reduce the risk of crime which costs MONEY and causes much UPSET and INCONVENIENCE. 1 Both. 166 1 : 1 this could be 1 adventure and discussion : All Flexipage modes 9 have a choice 7 of three warning sounds with flashing border colours: : SOUND COLOURS 0 ===== ======= +81. Telephone warble:purple/black2. Three tone: green/yellow/red3. Two tone horn: blue/cyan: 1 some..126 1 none..121 1 No.... 82 1 072 1 9 7 1 9 5 1 45Please remember: 1 Thanks for 1 49 1 111 1 Yes..163 1 116Your car is in the road 9 nearby. You remember the camera on the seat. You: Hurry back.107Hope for the best as you're sure the car is locked. . 108As you get back to the car a 9 scruffy brown haired man in a grey jacket hurries away. A window has been forced but thecamera is there. . . . 109 1 your 1 F 1 B 1 ** *** Please choose your ***9*** CRIME ALERT subject number **** Camera capers......106**** Bag bother.........110***** Home watch.........145Do you know how many people 72have keys for YOUR home? YOU need to change your locks NOW. 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1